profetizado por Siouxsie and the Banshees nos anos 80

Em 1986, Siouxsie and the Banshees cantaram o tema abaixo, de autoria de . A letra descreve, em parábola aos tempos de então, a destruição de Pompeia pela  erupção do Vesúvio, em 79 AD. A letra usa imagens relativas à erupção, como que fazendo uma metáfora niilista, em tempos de Reagan e Tatcher:

"Water was running, children were running
You were running out of time
Under the mountain, a golden fountain
Were you praying at the lares shrine?
But your city lies in dust, my friend

We found you hiding -- we found you lying
Choking on the dirt and sand
Your former glories and all the stories
Dragged and washed with eager hands
But your city lies in dust, my friend
Your city lies in dust

Water was running, children were running
We found you hiding, we found you lying
Water was running; children were running
We found you hiding, we found you lying
Your city lies in dust, my friend

Hot and burning -- in your nostrils
Pouring down your gaping mouth
Your molten bodies -- blanket of cinders
Caught in the throes..."

Notícia de hoje, 17 de novembro de 2016: "Tem muita coisa ainda que vai explodir. A República está caindo" (Rosinha Garotinho, sobre a situação do ex-governador carioca Sérgio Cabral, no dia em que o mesmo foi preso pela Polícia Federal numa operação chamada Calicute). Pelo jeito, the city lies in dust em vários lugares, inclusive a sul do Monte Caburaí...


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